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Barrier-free accessibility

This website has been designed in compliance with the stipulations set out in the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV) pursuant to the German Disability Equality Act.

If, despite the care taken to avoid barriers in this website, you discover any cause for concern, please write to the following e-mail address, providing a brief description of the access issue you have encountered.

Font size

The displayed font size can be adjusted as required in your browser. If you use the Internet Explorer, click on “Page”, then “Zoom” and use the “Zoom in” and “Zoom out” functions. If you use Firefox, change the font size using the “View” menu, then select “Zoom” and use the “Zoom in” and “Zoom out” functions. In Chrome, the View menu can be opened by clicking the wrench icon at the top right-hand side. The zoom setting is then directly visible and can be changed step by step. In all these browsers, the “CTRL” and “+” or “-“ keys can be used to zoom in and out one step at a time.

Downloading files

In order to open PDF files, you will need a suitable PDF reader such as the Adobe Reader (

The provided documents are designed as far as possible to be barrier-free. If you require documents which you are unable to access, please use the contact form to get in touch with us. We will endeavour to make available the requested content to you in an accessible form.


The basic site structure separates content from navigation. The overall site is designed on a standardized basis to permit the simplest possible orientation.

There are two ways in which you may navigate within the site. The main navigation facility is located in the site header. This enables access to all the main content areas of the website. The footer navigation is located at the bottom of the page and contains the complete first and second navigation levels.

When you move the mouse pointer over the main navigation, a flyout menu opens. Here, you can select the required topic. Another method of navigation to the topic you wish to view is to use the search engine. Here, you can enter any optional text. For more information on this option, please refer to the point “Search function” below.

For more detailed information, contact details and external links, go to the service navigation in the top right-hand area of the page.


The videos provided on this website are hosted on the external platform YouTube. However, to access the videos, you will need either an up-to-date flash player or an up-to-date browser.

Due to different country-specific copyright laws or internal company network policy, it may happen that these platforms or certain videos are blocked in individual cases and can therefore not be viewed.

Audio files can be played directly on the website using a provided player. This requires an up-to-date flash player.

Search function

On every page of the site, there is a search box at the top right hand side which can be used to search for terms. To carry out a search, enter the term you are looking for into the search mask and click the magnifying glass symbol.

The search result window will display all the found matches. You can then filter the search results in order to refine your matches. It is also possible to filter according to content and media type.

Your search enquiry is supported by predictive text functionality, which checks for similar search strings while you are typing and automatically generates suggestions. If you make a typing error or your search does not produce any matches, the system suggests corrections to aid your information search.

Print function

The articles have been optimized for printout.
If JavaScript is activated in your browser, click at the end of the article on the “Print” button. This will open a new window containing the print dialogue.
If JavaScript is deactivated, open the “File” browser menu, then press “Print” to open the print dialogue.
Another way to print is to use the key combination “CTRL” and “P”, which also opens the print dialogue.