Gebäude des Bundesrats

A force within the Federation

Baden-Württemberg also carries weight in national affairs.

Baden-Württemberg in Berlin

The Federal Republic of Germany is a Federation. State functions are divided between the Federation and its 16 federal states. The federal states each have their own parliament and government, their own authorities, courts and their own state constitutions. Through the organ of the Bundesrat (Federal Council), the states play a role in national legislation and administration, and also in the affairs of the European Union

  • State Representation

Our “embassy” in Berlin

Our State Representation in Berlin forms the hinge pin between state and federal politics: it gives matters relating to Baden-Württemberg a platform in the national political arena and serves as a showcase for our State in the Federal Capital.

  • Federalism


Though the organ of the Bundesrat, the German States play a co-determining role in federal legislation and also in European affairs. Baden-Württemberg provides six of the 69 members making up the “Chamber of States”.

Die Regierungschefinnen und Regierungschefs der 16 Länder sind im Juni 2022 in der Landesvertretung von Nordrhein-Westfalen zur Ministerpräsidentenkonferenz zusammengetroffen.
  • Federal states

Conference of Minister-Presidents

The Heads of Government of the 16 federal states meet four times a year at the Conference of Minister-Presidents with the purpose of coordinating their policies. The chair is held by the different federal states in rotation.